EULAR Scientific and Clinical Activities

EULAR fosters a multitude of activities in the field of research and supports projects in rheumatology by funding collaborative research between European rheumatology groups in fields that are in line with the mission, goals and strategies of EULAR.

Research project applications are reviewed and approved by the EULAR Council, and projects are run by specialist task forces, including patients, under the auspices of the relevant Committee.

Clinical research projects lead to recommendations and criteria that are presented at the EULAR Congress and published in the EULAR Journal, the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.

In 2008, as an outflow of strategic planning, the Council decided to initiate an orphan disease research programme focusing on systemic sclerosis. Starting in early 2009, this 4-year programme regularly issued public calls for project proposals.

Recommendations / Points to consider (Task Forces) project application

EULAR welcomes project applications from rheumatologists throughout Europe.

Applicants should be aware of the standard EULAR procedure for applying, internal evaluation, and decision-making.

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