EULAR Research Funding

The EULAR Research Centre offers several funding opportunities for researchers and health professionals in rheumatology. Please find below more information about our ad-hoc funds (“Vouchers”), our dedicated Research Methods Grant, as well as other funding opportunities within EULAR and beyond.

Improving Research Methods, Capabilities, and Processes Grant

Focus on: Clinical RMD research methods

This grant is intended to support the development of new tools, approaches and protocols that increase quality, innovation and technology development in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMD) research. Research areas for which methods will be developed, may include all RMD research areas but should be focused on clinical, community, health outcomes, and/or health services research as well as implementation science.

Please note: For translational methods development, a separate call is anticipated in 2025.

Successful applicants will define practical challenges and barriers to the conduct of RMD research and propose the development of a solution that can be tested within the pilot project and/or with subsequent extramural funding. This EULAR Research Funding focusses on development and (future) implementation of methods, not on hypothesis-testing.

Preference and highest priority will be given to projects that demonstrate a clear path to sustaining extramural funding or to direct implementation of improvements in RMD research.

Budget: EUR 50,000 per project

Call opening: 16 October, 2024

Deadline: 04 December 2024 (23:59 CET) 

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Research Methods Grant Awardees 2023

Research Vouchers

The Voucher programme is a rapid funding scheme to help investigators cover ad hoc expenses or services in support of their ongoing rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMD) research projects. Three types of vouchers are available.

1. Research Service Voucher

Upcoming application due date: 31 March, 2025

The Research Service Voucher provides rapid funding of up to EUR 5,000 in expenses for purchasing core services, technology/equipment, and core resources in support of RMD research projects. The goal is to give investigators with limited research funds the support they need to nurture a small idea with big potential. 

 Researchers can either:

  • Add new data collection to an existing (“parent”) RMD project to develop new research that is distinct from the aims of the parent project.
  • Collect information de novo, outside the context of an existing project, to support the development of new RMD research.

Budget: EUR 5,000 per project
Deadline: Applications will be reviewed quarterly

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2. EU Grant Development Voucher

This voucher provides rapid funding for purchasing professional grant writing support to apply for EU grants, such as the European Research Council (ERC) or Horizon Europe. Supported grant projects must address the needs of people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.

Budget: EUR 5,000 per project
Deadline:  Applications are reviewed as they are received

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3. Publication Support Voucher

Upcoming application due date: 31 March, 2025

This voucher provides rapid funding to support publications about rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMD) research in high-quality peer-reviewed EULAR-endorsed journal (Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (ARD)) and journals associated with national societies and organisations of EULAR’s member societies.

Budget: EUR 2,000 per project
Deadline: Applications will be reviewed quarterly

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Additional Funding Opportunities

  • EULAR’s bursaries, grants, and exchange opportunities
    Every year, EULAR awards bursaries for courses, educational visits, and scientific trainings to researchers and health professionals from European countries in the field of rheumatology.

  • FOREUM Funding
    FOREUM is an independent fundraising institution for research funding based in Switzerland and supported by EULAR.

EU Funding Opportunities

Related Information
EU Funding Opportunities

The following provides an overview of EU health research and innovation funding opportunities relevant to EULAR activities, including information on the main funding instruments, sources of funding information, links to open calls and some project examples.

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