EULAR Research Support Overview

EULAR and its Research Centre offer a range of services and resources, including training, funding, databases and expert networks, to support RMD research of investigators from EULAR-affiliated countries.

Learn more about the Research Centre's support programmes by the chairpersons from the Research Committee:


Research Funding

Research Training and Webinars 

  • Research Webinar Series 
    The webinar series is focused on providing theoretical and hands-on advice on conducting research to improve the lives of people with RMDs. It highlights how-to advice, latest EULAR research support offerings, and tips from senior investigators.

  • EULAR Courses and Training
    The EULAR School of Rheumatology offers a range of education and training opportunities to help RMD researchers and health professionals expand  their knowledge and practical skills.

Research Support Services and Resources 

  • Research Consultation Service
    The EULAR Research Consultation Service matches investigators with experienced research experts in a range of areas to help them develop, improve, and execute high-quality research focused on rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). Supported research domains include basic/ translational research, clinical research, epidemiology and public health, health services research and implementation science.

  • Research Consortia Partnerships
    EULAR collaborates with consortia across Europe to help incorporate the patient perspective in all stages of international research on rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). Interested consortia are invited to submit a collaboration request.

  • Centres of Excellence in Rheumatology Research
    EULAR collates a register of the top research centres in European rheumatology to develop a group of first-class research centres for active researchers, to enable exchange of fellows' research projects, and to link with Brussels. EULAR invites centres of rheumatology research in Europe to apply for recognition as "EULAR Centre of Excellence in Rheumatology.” A designation is valid for 5 years after which time a centre can reapply for prolongation.

  • Network of Imaging Centres
    A EULAR network of imaging centres provides education in imaging techniques and support with developing research projects. 

  • Outcomes Measures Library (OML)
    A comprehensive database of validated instruments (indices, questionnaires, scales, or others) used in rheumatology.

Research Data 

  • EULAR Impact of RMDs Survey
    A longitudinal survey that collects first-hand information about the impact of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases among patients across and beyond Europe. Through periodic questionnaires, patients will provide information about their healthcare situation, and how the disease affects their social and occupational lives.

  • EULAR RheumaFacts
    A EULAR initiative dedicated to the collection of data about rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases and their impact on individuals, society and the health economy across and beyond Europe.

  • EULAR Network of Trial Centres (ENTRI)
    A Europe-wide network dedicated to facilitating RMD-related clinical trial delivery for patient benefit.

  • EULAR COVID-19 Registries
    A European paediatric and adult registry to monitor and report on outcomes of “Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19) occurring in patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases. The registry is based on doctors voluntarily reporting cases. It will help guide rheumatologists and other clinicians such as specialist nurses in advising and caring for their patients.


EULAR’s Emerging Network, EMEUNET, offers a range of peer-mentoring programmes that support young rheumatologists in accessing information, interacting with leading clinicians/ researchers, and exchanging ideas with peers:

EMEUNET Community

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