
The campaign is designed to motivate people with an rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease (RMD) to undergo training to become a Patient Research Partner (PRP) and to then take part in the research process.

As a result, research will prosper and the new and developing trend toward a highly patient-centric approach to drug discovery and the related legislative and regulatory environment to support this process is enabled.

The ability to enable the patient voice to take centre stage in the research process will enable better outcomes in drug discovery, enabling more people living with an RMD to have access to work, and ultimately inspiring more people to be aware of possible symptoms that they may be living with and to therefore seek medical advice for possible diagnosis – and access to timely and adequate care.

Why it matters

To promote the concept and role of patient research partners (PRPs) in rheumatology at the national levels in Europe, using the strapline “Time2Research”.

Patient Research Partners

EULAR has recognised the pivotal role of patients in the development of recommendations for the management or diagnosis of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases. Patient representatives should engage with researchers to help improve methodology and research outcomes, and thus give credibility to the results. Read more

Value contribution to scientific research

In line with legislative and regulatory developments, strengthening the patient voice in the research process will lead to better outcomes in rheumatology – and a stronger voice and profile for the area of rheumatology to take part in applications for research calls at EU level.

Join the campaign

A list of resources aimed at people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) and provided to national organisations of EULAR PARE by EULAR.

Click here to download the toolkit

Promotion materials
Campaign benefits

In line with legislative and regulatory developments, strengthening the patient voice in the research process will lead to better outcomes in rheumatology – and a stronger voice and profile for the area of rheumatology to take part in applications for research calls at EU level.

EULAR is looking to provide ten bursaries each worth EUR 5,000 to EULAR PARE member organisations of the network that wish to perform awareness raising activities in their country to help increase the number of patient research partners in rheumatology.

Related Information
EULAR Campaigns

EULAR hosts campaigns to help achieve its goal in the area of Advocacy: to increase participation in work by people with RMDs by the year 2023.

Read more


For more information, contact publicaffairs@eular.org

EULAR Advocacy

EULAR’s Advocacy efforts are focused on bringing the needs of the rheumatology community to the attention of European political stakeholders at the European Union and national levels. EULAR Advocacy is working to ensure that health, employment and research policy, legislation and regulation, and programmes, are focused on improving the treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of RMDs and reducing the burden of RMDs on individuals and society.

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Call for Applications

Learn how to apply for bursary.

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Call for applications is now closed.