European Parliament Interest Group on Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases, 2015-2019
An Interest Group is a volunteer-led group of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) that comes together to support a shared cause. MEPs representing different political groups work together to support the bring greater awareness to their chosen issue through their individual work as MEPs, as well as within their European political families and national parties.
The European Parliament Interest Group on RMDs is chaired by MEP Roberta Metsola who, in 2021, also became Vice-President of the European Parliament. The Vice-Chair of the Interest Group is MEP Marianne Vind. EULAR provides support to the Interest Group activities, coordinating secretarial actions. The Interest Group will be soon discuss adopting a manifesto that establishes the main political priorities for patients, doctors and health professionals around Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases.
The Interest Group on RMDs welcomes MEPs from all genders, backgrounds, political persuasions and EU member states with an interest in RMDs related policies.
Written Questions
Throughout their mandate, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) may ask questions to the Commission (i.e. during a Committee Hearing, during a Plenary Debate, or using a Written Question or Letter to the Commissioner, etc.) to raise issues of interest to European citizens.
Using a 200 word official limit, one or m ore MEP can submit a short Written Question that provides sufficient background regarding their issue of concern and makes a clear request for information from the Commission. It is also important to clearly state to whom is addressed.
Once tabled, the Commission has two months to offer an answer. Both the Written Question and answer are a matter of public record and can therefore be quoted if needed. Please find here the repository of all Written Questions
The European Parliament Interest Group on RMDs is active!
Three questions put forward by the Interest Group Vice Chair MEP Vind have been answered by EU Health Minister Stella Kyrakides, Equality Commission Helena Dalli and Commissioner Gabriel
Three questions:
- RMDs and pharmaceuticals answered by Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides
- RMDs and employment answered by Commissioner Helena Dalli
- RMDs and research answered by Commissioner Gabriel
Related Information
EULAR Advocacy Newsletter
EULAR is committed to bringing rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) onto the EU's agenda. Sign up to the EULAR Advocacy newsletter to keep up with the changes that our organisation is working towards in the area of policy and legislation to help achieve better social and economic outcomes for the many millions of people affected by these chronic and debilitating diseases across Europe.
About EULAR Advocacy
EU Advocacy is a key activity for a European umbrella organisation like the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR).
EULAR Advocacy Partnerships
EULAR is committed to partner with organisations and scientific medical societies at a EU and national level towards improving research funding, social policy legislation and quality of care; assisting advocacy actions on the national and international levels around rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs).
EULAR RheumaMap
A Research Roadmap to transform the lives of people with Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases.
EULAR Policy Statements
As part of its advocacy activities, EULAR produces and adopts a number of documents and declarations that are used to express EULAR’s position and/or demands on different policy issues.
Links To Other Organisations
Partnerships that help to increase the knowledge of the organisations involved and the impact they can have on the political stage.
RMD Definition
EULAR description on Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases (RMDs)