EULAR HPR: The EULAR Health Professionals Research Grant

General Information

  • Every year EULAR funds one Health Professional Research project in the field of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMD). This project should be in line with the mission, objectives, and goals of EULAR. Projects will be funded up to a maximum of EUR 45,000. 
  • Relevance for EULAR HPRs should include a measurable impact of the results of the project on HPRs’ practices in at least 3 countries.
  • Relevance for EULAR HPRs should preferably include more than one profession.
  • Recipients of a research grant must submit a mid-term report to the Scientific Subcommittee of the EULAR HPR on the progress of the research project.
  • After completion of the project the recipients must provide a written report to the EULAR Executive Committee on the results achieved. Furthermore, the recipients are expected to present their project in the EULAR HPR newsletter and may be invited to present their findings at the EULAR European Congress of Rheumatology.


Information on the EULAR HPR research grant and the application process will be disseminated in the following ways:

  • EULAR website, permanently with information updated every year and news section.
  • Active announcement once a year by e-mail at least six weeks prior to the closing date of the application to:
    • Members of the HPR Committee and subcommittees.
    • Members of the HPR Assembly, other than members of the HPR Committee and subcommittees


Application Process
  • Applicants must complete the official application form, including detailed budget (Enclosure 1), and include the full CV of the project leader as well as a project plan
  • Each application will be evaluated by two members of the Scientific Sub-committee of the EULAR HPR using a standard evaluation form.
  • Applicants will be informed about the decision by e-mail.


Evaluation critieria

  • HPR project leader (EULAR HPR definition does not include medical doctors) with experience and academic credentials of relevance to the proposed study. Preference will be given to investigators/main applicants who are less advanced in their research careers. We recommend more experienced researchers to take on senior positions in the project consortium.
  • Involvement of at least three European countries (even if with different levels of involvement, i.e. different tasks).
  • Relation to ongoing EULAR projects in the same area is clearly described, if applicable
  • Quality of the work plan, including background and rationale, accuracy of study aims and research questions, design and methodology.
  • Overall scientific value.
  • Relevance for EULAR HPRs:
  • Practice: Impact on HPRs’ management of people with RMDs in at least 3 countries, from a short and/or long-term perspective,
  • Research: Impact on future research related to HPRs’ management of people with RMDs and/or whether the project may foster the development of a research network of relevance for the future beyond the period of the project.
  • Realistic plan for dissemination and implementation of the research results among clinicians and researchers
  • Patient centered approach and inclusion of the perspective of patient representatives
  • Feasibility of the study within the planned time frame
  • Budget realistic for the planned project


Approval by EULAR Council

After evaluation by HPR Scientific Subcommittee members, a report on the selection procedure and the selected project proposal and accompanying review forms and the final decision will be submitted to the EULAR Council.

Time Schedule 
Activity  Frequency and Duration Time Schedule 
Review of website content regarding Research Grant Once yearly Between April and May
Active announcement of Research Grant Once yearly: at least six weeks prior to the application deadline Between June and August
Call opening Once yearly 15 September
Application Deadline Once yearly 23 October
Review of Applications  Once, yearly: max duration, 4 weeks Beginning of November to mid- December
Ranking of proposals and final decision on the proposal to be granted Once yearly: max duration 4 weeks 14 December to 14 January
Submission of selected proposal to EULAR Council Agenda

Once yearly: decision will be presented by HPR Committee Chair to the EULAR Council during spring meeting

15 January

Decision on funding of selected proposal in the EULAR Council

Once yearly: the EULAR Council during the spring meeting will decide on the funding of the proposal

End of February / Beginning of March (it depends when the EULAR Spring Council meeting takes place)
Communication of the outcome to applicants Once yearly: following approval of the EULAR Council End of March
Related Information

The call will open from 16 September 2024

Deadline: 23 October 2024, 23:59 CET 

More information on application process will be communicated in due time.  

Application Process

Applicants must complete an official application form (including detailed budget), and include the full CV of the project leader as well as a project plan. Related information will be published in due time

Applications will be evaluated by two members of the scientific sub-committee of the EULAR HPRs. Applicants will be informed by e-mail after the EULAR Council meeting in March of that year.

Research Grant Projects

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