EULAR Governance
EULAR is a truly pan-European organisation fostering a multitude of activities in areas of advocacy, education, congress, quality of care and research.
EULAR is governed by an elected board composed by 7 experts in rheumatology and one representative of each pillar (organisations representing other health professionals in rheumatology, patient organisations and scientific societies). Our activities are overseen by 5 content committees and 4 representation committees whose activities are delivered by several hundred expert rheumatology volunteers
EULAR employs staff to support its professional volunteers in the development, production and management of these activities. This staff is managed by an executive director who reports to the EULAR Board.
General Assembly
Is the highest authority of EULAR, composed of the Members of EULAR (Ordinary Members, Supporting Members and Honorary Members).
The Board is composed of the Presidency (meaning the President-Elect, the President and the Past President), the Treasurer, the Vice-President HPR, the Vice-President PARE and the Vice-President Scientific Societies.
Is the managing body of EULAR and deals with scientific, educational, administrative, financial and organizational matters. It is composed of both the members of the board and the members of the Chairmanship of each committee.
Composed by volunteers, EULAR Committees support EULAR's objectives, defines its membership, provides its members with adequate rights, has a governing body including a Chairmanship, reports to EULAR's Board.
Currently, five content committees and four representation committees are in place, covering the areas of activity of EULAR.
EULAR Office
Located in Kilchberg, Switzerland, the EULAR Office fulfils many functions: in addition to servering EULAR's member organisations and its council, the Secretariat's main functions are to run the growing education programme and to organise the annual EULAR European Congress of Rheumatology.
Related Information
EULAR Statutes, Reports and By-Laws
The official statutes of the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology, EULAR
EULAR Corporate Logo and Branding
Use or placement of the EULAR corporate name, logo, and any other branded visuals is strictly prohibited. Any unauthorised use or placement may result in legal action. EULAR reserves the right to enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent permitted by law.
EULAR Code of Ethics
The EULAR Code of Ethics applies to all officers in connection with their relationship to the organisation.
Officers are acting, nominee, elect or past members of any EULAR Body (General Assembly, Board, Council, Committee, Sub-Committee, etc.) and applicants of EULAR-funded projects.
EULAR Member Organisations
Supported by its members, EULAR aims to reduce the burden of rheumatic diseases on the individual and society and to improve the treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal diseases.