EULAR Task Force Ongoing Initiatives
QoC026 -
EULAR recommendations for the screening and management of osteoporosis in patients with inflammatory rheumatic musculoskeletal diseases (iRMDs)
Frank Buttgereit - QoC025 - Update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of Behçet's syndrome
Gulen Hatemi - QoC024 - 2024 Update on Vaccination Recommendations for Patients with Autoimmune Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases
Ori Elkayam - QoC023 - EULAR recommendations for the management of Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Large Vessel Vasculitis
Chetan Mukhtyar - QoC022 - 2023 EULAR Recommendations for the Management of SLE with kidney Involvement
Dimitrios Boumpas -
QoC021 -
Update of the EULAR recommendations for patient education in people with inflammatory arthritis including recommendations for implementation into clinical practice
Jet Veldhuijzen van Zanten -
QoC020 - Update of the 2018 EULAR recommendations for physical activity in people with inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis
Karin Niedermann - QoC019 - EULAR Points to Consider for the Definition of Difficult to Treat Psoriatic arthritis (D2T PsA)
Helena Marzo Ortega -
QoC018 -
Recommendations for the management of Familial Mediterranean Fever
Seza Ozen - QoC017 - EULAR Points to Consider on risk stratification of populations for RA prevention studies: new inclusion of ACR collaboration and population-based approaches to risk stratification
Kevin Deane and Kulveer Mankia, A. Van der Helm, Karim Raza -
QoC014 -
ACR-EULAR Development of Classification Criteria for Immune Related Adverse Events: Inflammatory Arthritis
A.Meara-M.Kostine - QoC012 - EULAR Update proposal Antirheumatic drugs in pregnancy and lactation
F. Förger - QoC011 - EULAR/PRES Recommendation for the Diagnosis and Management of Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (sJIA) and Adult Onset Still's Disease (AOSD)
B. Fautrel /F.De Benedetti -
QoC010 -
Update of EULAR recommendations for the treatment of Systemic Sclerosis
Y. Allanore, F. Del Galdo - QoC007 - Recommendations for a core data set to support translational and observational research and clinical care in systemic lupus erythematosus
M. Schneider
QoC006 - Development and Validation of a EULAR disease activity score in Antiphospholipid syndrome
M. Tektonidou - QoC004 - Development of EULAR/ACR Criteria for Disease Activity and Response in Giant Cell Arteritis
Dejaco, Langford -
CLI121 - Classification Criteria for paediatric chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) joint call 2019 (ACR/EULAR joint project)
Seza Özen Yongdong Zhao -
CLI119 - Joint EULAR/ERS diagnostic and therapeutic approach of interstitial lung disease in connective tissue diseases
Anna-Maria Hoffmann-Vold -
CLI117 - EULAR Classification criteria for haemochromatosis arthropathy
Patrick Kiely -
CLI113 - Development And Validation of a EULAR disease activity score in adult onset Still’s Disease: the “DAVID” project
Roberto Giacomelli -
CLI108 - EULAR-ACR Classification Criteria for Antisynthetase Syndrome (CLASS)
Aggarwal Rohit (ACR), Cavagna Lorenzo (EULAR) -
CLI098 - ACR-EULAR Criteria for Treatment Response for ANCA‐Associated Vasculitis
Peter Merkel, Gunnar Tomasson -
IMG013 - Imaging: EULAR Recommendations for the use of imaging in patient with mechanical back pain
Gilles Fournier -
RES001 - EULAR Points to consider on risk stratification of populations for RA prevention studies, 2021-22
A. van der Helm -
EPI010 - Tool Box
Loreto Carmona (Sofia Ramiro is the new responsible since 2019) -
EPI009 - Patient reported outcome initiative (PRO call)
Deborah Symmons, Loreto Carmona -
SCI016 - EULAR recommendations for the use and interpretation of laboratory diagnostic tests for the management of systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases
Johan Rönnelid, Pier Luigi Meroni -
SCI015 - Characterization of new tentative international reference reagents for clinical laboratory immunology/rheumatology analyses
Johan Rönnelid -
HPR057 - Research Grant: Quality indicators for Hand Osteoarthritis
Daniel Huseby Bordvik -
HPR056 - How to best support research activities among health professionals in
rheumatology (HPRs)
E.Mosor/K.Hoeper -
HPR051 - EULAR Implementation of a mobile health app for the self-management of juvenile-onset rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases during transitional care: a patient-centered approach. The Move-Up implementation project
Fernando Estévez-López -
HPR047 - Increasing work participation across Europe, part II
Ross Wilkie -
HPR044 - Increasing work participation across Europe
Ross Wilkie
Application for Project Grants
EULAR welcomes project applications from rheumatologists across Europe designed for developing EULAR Recommendations, EULAR Criteria, EULAR Points to Consider, or similar projects.
EULAR Recommendations
The EULAR Committees regularly establish and publish recommendations for the treatment of various rheumatic disorders. Each of these recommendations are developed by a Task Force of specialists in their field.