EULAR Quality of Care Committee

 The Quality of Care Committee improves the life of people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) by developing recommendations, points to consider and further guidance on the prevention, diagnosis, classification, and treatment of RMDs, by optimising the methodology for collecting, interpreting and communicating data leading to EULAR’s recommendations, by acquiring the best members for EULAR’s task forces according to EULAR’s standardised operating procedures for guideline development, and by supervising the training and quality of EULAR’s pool of methodologists.

Quality of Care Committee By-Laws

Chair: Prof. Uta Kiltz, Germany 
Chair-elect:  Dr. George Fragoulis, Greece
Advisor: Prof. Daniel Aletaha, Austria
ACR-EULAR Liaison: Dr. Ulf Mueller-Ladner, Germany


Committee Members

Uta Kiltz, Germany
Mandate duration: Jun-22 - Jun-26

George Fragoulis, Greece
Mandate duration: Jun-24 - Jun-28 

Adeline Ruyssen-Wiltrand, France
Mandate duration: Jun-23 - Jun-27

Alexandre Sepriano, Portugal
Mandate duration: Jun-21 - Jun-25

Annet van Royen, Netherlands
Mandate duration: Jun-21 - Jun-25

Bente Appel Esbensen, Denmark
Mandate duration: Jun-21 - Jun-25 

Birgit Barten, Germany
Mandate duration: Jun-21 - Jun-25 

Catalin Codreanu, Romania
Mandate duration: Jun-23 - Jun-27 

Ernest Choy, United Kingdom
Mandate duration: Jun-21 - Jun-25  

Fabian Proft, Germany
Mandate duration: Jun-23 - Jun-27 

George Metsios, Greece
Mandate duration: Jun-23 - Jun-27

Bernhard  Hellmich, Germany
Mandate duration: Jun-23 - Jun-27 

Helga Lechner-Radner, Austria
Mandate duration: Jun-21 - Jun-25

Kati Mykkanen, Finland
Mandate duration: Jun-23 - Jun-27 

Kim Lauper, Switzerland
Mandate duration: Jun-23 - Jun-27

Kotyla Przemyslav, Poland
Mandate duration: Jun-23 - Jun-27

Merete Hetland, Denmark
Mandate duration: Jun-23 - Jun-27

Nele Cayers, Belgium
Mandate duration: Jun-23 - Jun-27

Patrick Durez, Belgium
Mandate duration: Jun-21 - Jun-25

Paul Studenic, Austria
Mandate duration: Jun-23 - Jun-27 

Till Uhlig, Norway
Mandate duration: Jun-23 - Jun-27

Alessia Alunno, Italy
Mandate duration: Jun-24 - Jun-28

Philipp Bosch, Austria
Mandate duration: Jun-24 - Jun-28

Bruno Fautrel, France
Mandate duration: Jun-24 - Jun-28 

Sofia Ramiro, Netherlands
Mandate duration: Jun-24 - Jun-28

Related Information 
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Project application


EULAR Recommendations

The EULAR Committees regularly establish and publish recommendations for the treatment of various rheumatic disorders. Each of these recommendations are developed by a Task Force of specialists in their field.

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Study Groups

EULAR study groups are established networks in their respective fields and play an active part in the research and treatment of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.

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EULAR Project Proposals (for non recommendations and non task force projects)

All EULAR project proposals are to be submitted by 15 January or 01 July  of each year and is subject to the approval of the EULAR Council. The final decision and budget of a project will be determined by the EULAR Council each March and September.

​Download the EULAR Project Proposal template

Submit your proposal to:

EULAR Scientific and Clinical Activities

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EULAR Statutes, Reports, and By-Laws

The official statutes of the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology, EULAR

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EULAR Committees

Established by the Board, Committees are set up to manage and perform the various activities of EULAR on behalf of the Council.

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