EULAR Task Forces

It is EULAR's objective to promote task forces aimed at elaborating recommendations in the field of rheumatology with adherence to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion.

The members of EULAR task forces are experienced investigators in Rheumatology with areas of focus such as Quality of Care and Clinical Affairs (QoC), Research (RES), Health Professionals in Rheumatology (HPR), and PARE People with Arthritis and Rheumatism (PARE).

Each task force is connected to and supported by a EULAR Committee. Each committee is entitled to apply for EULAR endorsement, and also apply for EULAR task force members (see related information).

To apply as task force member please go to the project dedicated application’s links below:

Open initiatives

EULAR wide general application call for 5 additional slots in the recently funded TF projects: 
The next call will open at the end of October.

Please read in our SOPs here (  the information  related  3.1 Task force composition.

See ongoing initiatives

Related Information
Application for Project Grants

EULAR welcomes project applications from rheumatologists across Europe designed for developing EULAR Recommendations, EULAR Criteria, EULAR Points to Consider, or similar projects.

See more

EULAR Recommendations

The EULAR Committees regularly establish and publish recommendations for the treatment of various rheumatic disorders. Each of these recommendations are developed by a Task Force of specialists in their field.

See more