EULAR RheumaFacts

About the Initiative

RheumaFacts  is a EULAR initiative dedicated to the collection of data about rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) and their impact on individuals, society and the health economy across all countries represented  within the EULAR membership.

RheumaFacts aims at creating a definitive standardised source of information for data-driven advocacy, research, and policy-making to highlight the disease burden, healthcare gaps, and inequalities around RMDs across European and EULAR member countries. This data repository will be based on up-to-date general health and RMD-related information, gathered primarily by the world statistic organizations, and Scientific Societies at the national levels.

The data presented in RheumaFacts will be available to researchers and other groups such as funding agencies, decision-makers, and policymakers who can advance public health at a European level.

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EULAR RheumaFacts steering group

Dr. Anna Molto, France

Rheumatologist & Epidemiologist, Chair-elect of the EULAR Research Committee ; Hôpital Cochin (Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Centre), Paris, France

Prof. Loreto Carmona, Spain

Rheumatologist & Epidemiologist, Chair of the EULAR Advocacy Committee; Instituto de Salud Musculoesquelética, Madrid, Spain

Dr. Sofia Ramiro, Netherlands

Rheumatologist & Epidemiologist; Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden and Zuyderland Medical Center, Heerlen, Netherlands

Jose-Maria Alvaro-Gracia, Spain

EULAR Scientific Societies Vice President, Head of the Rheumatology Department, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón; Associate Professor of Rheumatology, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Prof. Laure Gossec, France

Rheumatologist & Epidemiologist; Sorbonne Université and Pitie Salpetriere Hospital, Paris, France

Prof. Dr. med. Anja Strangfeld, Germany

Epidemiologist, Chair of the EULAR Public Health and Epidemiology Research Sob-Committee; German Rheumatism Research Centre and Charité University Medicine, Berlin, Germany

Prof. Annelies Boonen, Netherlands

Rheumatologist; Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands


Prof. Zoltan Szekanecz, Hungary

Professor of Rheumatology, Immunology and Medicine; University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary

EULAR Research team, Switzerland

Dr. Coralie Signorell, Research Manager
Dr. Konstantinos Billis, Research Data Architect
Anastasiia Miendrova, Project Coordinator


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