EULAR Journal

EULAR and BMJ announce change of ownership of leading rheumatology journals, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (ARD) and RMD Open.EULAR will take full ownership of ARD, while BMJ will wholly own RMD Open 

Read the joint announcement here.

EULAR publishes the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases covering rheumatology medicine and research.           


ARD [*] is the original research journal in rheumatology with an impact factor of 24.7. 

Annals of the Rheumatic 

Join EULAR President Prof. Iain McInnes and ARD Editor in Chief Prof. Josef Smolen to find out about the ARD Journal[*]: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (ARD) is a Plan S compliant Transformative Journal.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (ARD) is an international peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of rheumatology, which includes the full spectrum of musculoskeletal conditions, arthritic disease, and connective tissue disorders. ARD publishes basic, clinical, and translational scientific research, including the most important recommendations for the management of various conditions.

ARD is an official journal of EULAR.


ARD Editor: Josef Smolen, Vienna, Austria [*]: First published in 1939, and the official journal of EULAR since 2000, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases [*] (ARD) is an international peer reviewed journal covering all aspects of rheumatology, which includes the full spectrum of musculoskeletal conditions, arthritic disease, and connective tissue disorders.

ARD publishes basic, clinical, and translational scientific research, including the most important recommendations for the management of various conditions. The journal also publishes review articles, editorials, viewpoints and thought-provoking articles on developments in the field. Correspondence is encouraged. Sign up for email alerts [*] for ARD.

June 2017: EULAR and BMJ, a leading healthcare knowledge provider, is pleased to announce Josef Smolen as the new editor of Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (ARD).


[*]External link 

Related Information
ARD lay summaries for patients and non-clinicians

ARD provides short research summaries [*] for patients and non-clinicians to accompany selected key research papers published in the journal. These aim to clearly explain the results of the research studies as well as any implications for treatment of the specific condition. The summaries are written in plain language in a consistently structured format and checked for accuracy and readability by expert rheumatologists and people from EULAR’s network of patient research partners.

EULAR and BMJ Announcement 

EULAR and BMJ announce change of ownership of leading rheumatology journals,  Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (ARD)  and  RMD Open.  EULAR will take full ownership of ARD, while BMJ will wholly own RMD Open.

Read the joint announcement here.

Journals on social media

You can follow the journal on Twitter [*] and Facebook [*], and listen to free occasional audio podcasts from ARD [*] and RMD Open [*].

[*]External Link