PARE Newsletters
Each year, PARE produces newsletters which are distributed to the PARE member organisations, updating the network on all activities related to patients.
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Related Information
EULAR Study Groups
EULAR Study Groups are focus groups that are supported by EULAR Committees.
EULAR Task Forces
EULAR Task Forces bring experts in rheumatology fields together to share expertise and facilitate best practice exchange and ongoing medical development. Discover the fields of EULAR Task Forces and join today.
EULAR Recommendations
The EULAR Committees regularly establish and publish recommendations for the treatment of various rheumatic disorders. Each of these recommendations are developed by a Task Force of specialists in their field.
EULAR PARE Member Organisations
EULAR is set up of four types of institutional members: scientific societies, national organisations of people with arthritis/rheumatism and health professionals as well as corporate members
World Arthritis Day (WAD)
Celebrated on 12 October, World Arthritis Day aims to raise awareness of arthritis and other rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) all over the world.
Since 2010, EULAR organises an advocacy event around this annual event, aiming to bring together the RMD community, EU and national policy-makers as well as a number of stakeholders to discuss relevant policy issues affecting people with RMDs and other chronic conditions.
Patient communities are invited to join by supporting or generating related initiatives in their countries.