EULAR Network of Imaging Centres
Network of imaging training centres 2024 - 2029

Ramón y Cajal University Hospital     
Madrid, Spain
Contact person: Carlos Guillén Astete

Hospital Group Twente
Almelo, Netherlands
Contact person: C.J. Haagsma

Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón
Madrid, Spain
Contact person: Juan Molina Collada

Schwerpunktpraxis Praxis für Rheumatologie und Gastroenterologie
Munich, Germany
Contact person: Herbert Kellner

Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Charité -Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Berlin, Germany
Contact person: Arnd Kleyer

Copenhagen Center for Arthritis Research (COPECARE)
Copenhaguen, Denmark
Contact person: Lene Terslev

Department for Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Croatia
Zagreb, Croatia
Contact person: Porin Peric

University Hospital Munster, Germany Sektion of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology Department of Dermatology
Muenster, Germany
Contact person: Rebecca Hasseli-Fräbel

Network of imaging research centres 2024 - 2029

Copenhagen Center for Arthritis Research (COPECARE)      
Copenhaguen, Denmark
Contact person: Mikkel Østergaard

Network of imaging training centres 2023 - 2028

Academic Rheumatology Centre – Universita’ Degli Studi di Torino
Contact person: AnnaMaria Iagnocco

AOUP UO Reumatologia Pisa  
Contact person: Andrea delle Sedie  

Nantes University Hospital 
Contact person:  Benoit Le Goff 

IRCCS Galeazzi - Sant’Ambrogio Hospital  
Contact person: Georgios Filippou 

Cannock Rheumatology MSK Unit-Cannock Hospital UK 
Contact person: Richard Brindley   

Rheumatology Unit, Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona, Italy 
Contact person: Rossella De Angelis   

Medizinische Klinik III – Rheumatologie und Klinische Immunologie, Universitätsklinikum Bonn 
Contact person: Valentin Schaefer 

Network of imaging research centres 2023 - 2028

Academic Rheumatology Centre – Universita’ Degli Studi di Torino
Contact person: AnnaMaria Iagnocco

IRCCS Galeazzi Sant’Ambrogio Hospital-Milan 
Contact person: Georgios Filippou

Department of Medicine 3 - Rheumatology and Immunology, Universitatsklinikum Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) 
Clinical Trial Unit
Contact person: Georg Schett

Department of Rheumatology and Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Zurich 
Contact person: Raphael Micheroli     

Network of imaging training centres 2022 - 2027

Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz
Contact person: Esperanza Naredo

UZR Basel ( and Unversity Hospital Bael
Contact person: Tamborrini Giorgio

Klinik für Rheumatologie, Krankenhaus Porz am Rhein
Contact person: Johannes Strunk

University Hospital "Sv. Iv. Rilski"
Contact person: Vladimira Boyadhzieva

Rheumatology department, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Université caholique de Louvain
Contact person: Maria Stoenoiu

S.C. Reumatologia, Ospedale La Colletta
Contact person: Teodora Serban

University Hospital Zürich
Contact person: Sandra Blumhardt

Network of imaging research centres 2022 - 2027

Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz
Contact person: Esperanza Naredo

Serviço de Reumatologia e Doenças Ósseas Metabólicas
Contact person: Fernando Manuel Diamantino Saraiva

Leeds Institute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine
Contact person: Richard Wakefield

Network of imaging training centres 2021 - 2026

Rheumazentrum Ruhrgebiet Herne, Ruhr-University Bochum 
Herne, Germany
Contact person: Xenofon Baraliakos

University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr.T.Popa”
Iași, Romania
Contact person: Codrina Ancuta

Liverpool University Hospitals Foundation Trust
Liverpool, United Kingdom 
Contact person: Cristina Estrach

Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Division of Rheumatology
Contact person: Feride Nur Gogus

Luigi Sacco University Hospital
Milan, Italy 
Contact person: Georgios Filippou

Instututo Poal de Reumatología
Barcelona, Spain 
Contact person: Ingrid Möller Parera

Leiden University Medical Center
Leiden, The Netherlands
Contact person: Marion C. Kortekaas

Rheumatology Centre "St. Irina"
Sofia, Bulgaria
Contact person: Rodina Nestorova

Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospital Foundation NHS trust 
Wigan, United Kingdom
Contact person: Sarang Chitale

Rheumatology Department, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Coimbra-Portugal- (Contact person: Maria João Salvador)

Ankara City Hospital Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Hospital
Contact person:Tuba Güler

Network of imaging research centres 2021 - 2026

Rheumazentrum Ruhrgebiet Herne, Ruhr-University Bochum 
Herne, Germany
Contact person: Xenofon Baraliakos

Specialists, Interdisciplinary Centre of Imaging in Spondyloarthritis, Charité Universitätsmedizin
Berlin, Germany 
Contact person: Fabian Proft

Instututo Poal de Reumatología
Barcelona, Spain
Contact person: Ingrid Möller Parera

Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Division of Rheumatology and Research 
Oslo, Norway
Contact person: Espen A. Haavardsholm

Leiden University Medical Center 
Leiden, The Netherlands
Contact person: Marion C. Kortekaas

University Hospital Duesseldorf, Department and Hiller-Research-Unit for Rheumatology 
Duesseldorf, Germany
Contact person: Philipp Sewerin

Network of imaging training centres 2020 - 2025

Ghent University Hospital, Department of Rheumatology
Ghent, Belgium
Main focus: Nailfold Videocapillaroscopy (NVC), and Laser Speckle Contrast analysis (LASCA)
Contact person: Prof. Vanessa Smith,

Copenhagen Center for Arthritis Research (COPECARE), Rigshospitalet - Glostrup, Copenhagen, Denmark
Main focus: Ultrasound and MRI
Contact person: Prof. Mikkel Østergaard,

Gaetano Pini Institute, Division of Rheumatology, University of Milano
Milano, Italy
Main focus: Nailfold Videocapillaroscopy
Contact person: Prof. Francesca Ingegnoli,

Research Laboratory and Academic Division of Clinical Rheumatology, University of Genova
Genova, Italy
Main focus: Capillaroscopy, Laser speekled analysis, Skin ultrasound
Contact person: Prof. Maurizio Cutolo,

Research Center for the Pathology and Treatment of Systemic Rheumatic Diseases - RCRD, Spital Sf. Maria
Bucharest, Romania
Main focus: Ultrasound, Capillaroscopy
Contact person: Dr. Florian Berghea,

Rheumatic Diseases Lothian, Western General Hospital
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Main focus: Ultrasound
Contact person: Dr. Neil McKay,

Dept. of Rheumatology, Kerckhoff-Klinik
Bad Nauheim, Germany
Main focus: Ultrasound, Capillaroscopy, MRI, CT, DECT, PET CT, conventional radiography
Contact person: Prof. Ulf Müller-Ladner,

Rheumatology Unit, Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda
Milano, Italy
Main focus: Ultrasound
Contact person: Dr. Antonella Adinolfi, 

University of Oxford, Botnar Research Centre
Oxford, UK
Main focus: Ultrasound, Ultrasound guided synovial biopsy, Salivary gland ultrasound, Vascular ultrasound for vasculitis
Contact person: Dr. Shing Law,

Instituto Português de Reumatologia
Lisbon, Portugal
Main focus: Ultrasound
Contact person: Dr. Margarida Silva,

Serviço de Reumatologia e Doenças Ósseas Metabólicas, Hospital de Santa Maria, Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte
Lisbon, Portugal
Main focus: Ultrasound (incl. paediatric, vascular ultrasound, guided joint injections, guided synovial biopsies)
Contact person: Dr. Fernando Saraiva,

Network of imaging research centres 2020 - 2025

Medical University of Vienna, Division of Rheumatolgy, 3rd Deparmtent of Internal Medicine
Vienna, Austria
Main focus: Ultrasound and conventional Radiography
Contact person: Dr. Peter Mandl,

Ghent University Hospital, Department of Rheumatology
Ghent, Belgium
Main focus: Nailfold Videocapillaroscopy (NVC), and Laser Speckle Contrast analysis (LASCA)
Contact person: Prof. Vanessa Smith,

Focus: Ultrasound, radiography, magnetic resonance imaging, dual energy CT
Contact person: Prof. Ruth Wittoek,

Copenhagen Center for Arthritis Research (COPECARE), Rigshospitalet - Glostrup Copenhagen, Denmark
Main focus: MRI and Ultrasound
Contact person: Prof. Mikkel Østergaard,

National Institute of Rheumatology and Physiotherapy, 3rd Rheumatology Department
Budapest, Hungary
Main focus: Ultrasound
Dr. Peter V. Balint,

Research Laboratory and Academic Division of Clinical Rheumatology, University of Genova
Genova, Italy
Main focus: Capillaroscopy, Laser speekled analysis, Skin ultrasound
Contact person: Prof. Maurizio Cutolo,

Gaetano Pini Institute, Division of Rheumatology, University of Milano
Milano, Italy
Main focus: Nailfold Videocapillaroscopy
Contact person: Prof. Francesca Ingegnoli,

Amsterdam Rheumatology & Immunology Center
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Main focus: PET(-CT/MRI), MRI, DXA, Ultrasound, CT, conventional radiography, X-ray
Contact person: Dr. J. van der Laken,

Interdisciplinary Centre of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases (RMD) Imaging
Charité Berlin

Berlin, Germany
Main focus: 
Musculoskeletal ultrasound in greyscale and power Doppler; Fluorescence optical imaging (FOI) by the Xiralite system
Contact person: Dr. S. Ohrndorf,

Network of imaging research centres 2019 - 2024

Rheumatology Unit, University of Pisa, Italy
Main focus: Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Contact Andrea Delle Sedie


Network of imaging research centres 2017 - 2022

Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz,
Madrid, Spain
Main focus: Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Contact person: Dr. Esperanza Naredo      

Network of imaging training centres 2017 - 2022

Rheumatology department, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc,
Université catholique de Louvain
Brussels, Belgium

Main focus: Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Contact person: Dr. Maria Stoenoiu                                  

Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz,
Madrid, Spain

Main focus: Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Contact person: Dr. Esperanza Naredo

Ultrasound Center Rheumatology
Basel, Switzerland

Main focus: Ultrasound
Contact person: Dr. Giorgio Tamborrini

Network of imaging training centres 2016 - 2021

MC Groep Musculoskeletal Imaging Centre
Lelystad, The Netherlands
Main focus: Ultrasound
Contact person: Dr GAW Bruyn

University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr.T.Popa" 
Iasi, Romania
Main focus: Capillaroscopy
Contact person: Dr. Codrina Ancuta

Network of imaging research centres 2016 - 2021

Diakonhjemmet Hospital
Oslo, Norway
Main focus: MRI, Conventional Radiography, Ultrasound
Contact personPorf. Tore Kvine

Rheumazentrum Ruhrgebiet 
Herne, Germany
Main focus: Conventional radiography, Magnetic resonance imaging, Computer tomography, PET-CT, PET-MRI (in collaboration), Ultrasound, Capillaroscopy, Mineral bone density
Contact person: Dr. Xenofon Baraliakos

Leiden University Medical Centre
Leiden, The Netherlands
Main focus: MRI, Conventional Radiography
Contact person:Dr. M. C. Kortekaas