Get Involved in the EMEUNET Committee and Sub-Committees

Are you interested in getting involved with the EMEUNET Committee and Sub-Committees?

See what opportunities we have open below!

Call for new EMEUNET committee members is open!

What is the role of the EMEUNET Subcommittee Chairs (committee members)?

The EMEUNET committee consists of the 6 chairs of the subcommittees (2 for Social Media and 1 for each of
the other subcommittees) and the 2 members of the chairmanship. The committee manages and harmonizes
the work of the sub-committees.

Please see responsibilities of each subcommittee chair (committee members) here.

Who can apply?
The call is open for all EMEUNET members and follows the structure of all EULAR committees (see flow
chart “Call for new EMEUNET committee positions”).

The application process for the EMEUNET nominee will be open to current or previous (within 1 year)
EMEUNET subcommittee members.

How is the selection performed?
After the annual EULAR congress, the EMEUNET Chair launches a call among the EMEUNET subcommittee
and previous (within 1 year) EMEUNET subcommittee members. The EMEUNET committee members
evaluate applications with the formal scoring according to criteria listed below. The EMEUNET chairmanship
proposes one candidate for each vacant position for nomination.

  • Criteria for scoring
    • Leadership skills
    • Interpersonal skills
    • Organizational skills
    • EMEUNET subcommittee engagement
    • Vision/motivation for EMEUNET

How are the final candidates selected?
The EMEUNET Chairs evaluates all applications (EMEUNET nominees, nominees from other EULAR
Committees/Board/Council/Ordinary members, and individual applications) with formal scoring according to
SOP and give preferences to the EULAR Board. The Board takes the final decision on the applications received
in its meeting in spring.

Any points to consider before I apply?
Please note that the EMEUNET Subcommittee Chairs are expected to run all activities of the respected
subcommittee. Please contact previous subcommittee chairs to match expectation for time consumption and
responsibilities. Please note that age is not among the assessment criteria, however it is expected all
participants will be under 40 years of age when starting the position.

Call for New EMEUNET Sub-Committee Members

Call for New EMEUNET Sub-Committee Members is open from 15 February 2025

What is the role of the EMEUNET Sub-Committee?
The EMEUNET Sub-Committee undertakes the organisational role to facilitate the aims of EMEUNET and represent the EMEUNET Community. The group consists of approximately 50 members from more than 20 countries, and a rotation of around one-third of the group is ensured each year.

The EMEUNET Sub-Committee members will typically choose to lead/co-lead one of the many EMEUNET activities. These include social media plans, mentor-mentee meetings, the Ambassador programme, the Networking event, the postdoc mentoring program, the EULAR Reporters calls, the EMEUNET booth, the monthly EMEUNEWS, the call for EMEUNET representatives in EULAR task forces, monthly “What -is-new” selections, peer-review mentoring, the EMEUNET Podcast, Country Liaison activities, and liaison with the other EULAR committees. New ideas and improvements for existing activities are always very welcome!

Who can apply?
The application is open to all registrants of the EMEUNET Community.

As a member of the EMEUNET sub-committees, you will have a chance to directly contribute to the core activities of EMEUNET and EULAR for 3 years.

To apply, you should meet the following criteria:

  1. Registered in the EMEUNET Community(Not registered yet? Apply here)
  2. Be aged under 40 at the time of the application (special circumstances can allow dispensation. This could be parental leave, sick leave, or other circumstances where you feel that our activities will be helpful for you at your career stage)
  3. Be a resident of a EULAR member country;
  4. Must be a young rheumatologists, rheumatology trainees, or researchers with an interest in rheumatology;
  5. be active in research, having at least one abstract as the first author in an international congress OR one first authorship of a manuscript in a peer-reviewed journal.

How and when is the selection performed?
This application process takes place annually around March, and all EMEUNET members are invited to apply. The EMEUNET committee members evaluate applications with the formal scoring according to the criteria listed below.

Criteria for scoring

  • motivation
  • Previous experience in committees, congresses, chairing, etc.
  • Research experience (with less ponderation)

The decision is also influenced by other factors, including number of membership places available, country representation, gender, prior interaction with EMEUNET, experience in national young rheumatologist's associations, and social media skills.

How are the final candidates selected?
The EMEUNET Chairs make the final decision, and new members will be welcomed at the EMEUNET Assembly Meeting at the annual EULAR Conference in June.

Any points to consider before I apply?
Please note that the EMEUNET Subcommittee members are expected to take active part in running the EMEUNET activities. Please note that age is not among the assessment criteria, however it is expected that all participants will be under 40 years of age when starting the position.

Interested? Click the button below to apply!

This call is open from 15 February 2025

Deadline: 15 March 2025


Learn more about the EMEUNET Sub-Committees            


More information coming soon!
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